Comparative Genomics

Comparative Genomics is an approach where evolutionary biology or species variation is studied using nucleic acid sequencing technologies in place of traditional morphological methods. The comparison of whole or part genomes can provide insight into the phylogenetic relationships of taxa, the mechanism of molecular evolution and gene function. The term is broad and encompasses techniques including phylogenomics as well as pangenomics.

We offer fully subsidised resources to help Australian researchers undertake comparative genomics analysis. For the full range of relevant services and resources visit our genomics page.

If you're here for comparative genomics, phylogenomics or pangenomic specific tools, try these:

  • Access many comparative genomics and phylogenetics tools and the underlying compute power through your web browser via Galaxy Australia

  • For population genetics or phylogenetics, take a look at the How-to-Guide that describes the steps required to run Stacks workflows on Galaxy Australia to analyse RADseq data*

  • Self-paced training materials freely available via the Galaxy Training Network

  • Find comparative genomics software and tools across Australian computational infrastructure with ToolFinder

  • Find phylogenomics workflows to deploy or implement with WorkflowHub.

Join the conversation - all welcome!

We coordinate a community for comparative genomics, which aims to:

  • Provide a forum for the community to connect and share knowledge 

  • Understand the bioinformatics challenges of relevance to genome assembly and annotation

  • Identify gaps in community scale digital infrastructure currently available for genome assembly and annotation

  • Deploy national scale solutions that address these gaps or challenges when relevant


We have been engaging with a broad community of Australian researchers working across a wide variety of taxa since 2021 to develop a Comparative Genomics Infrastructure Roadmap for Australia which presents a national vision for shared national infrastructure that will help researchers undertake comparative genomics analysis.