Australian Fgenesh++ Service

Fgenesh++ is a bioinformatics pipeline for automatic prediction of genes in eukaryotic genomes. It can produce fully automated genome annotations of a quality similar to manual annotation, and is extremely fast compared to some other automated genome annotation pipelines.

It works by: (a) performing ab initio gene prediction; (b) running predicted amino acid sequences of all potential exons through a non redundant protein sequence database; and (c) running a second round of gene prediction with higher scores assigned to exons homologous to known proteins.

In response to requests from our genomics communities, we have licensed Fgenesh++ from Softberry, and made it available for use.

Fgenesh++ is accessible by command-line via Pawsey Supercomputer Research Centre, or through the web-based analysis platform Galaxy Australia - including on Galaxy Australia’s Genome Lab. To meet the current licensing arrangement, access can only be granted for publicly funded researchers based in Australia.

Fgenesh++ has extensive online documentation describing how to use it. See also these summaries from two trial users of the service.


Fgenesh++ is installed on computational resources provided by Galaxy Australia and the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, and is supported by Bioplatforms Australia, which is enabled by NCRIS. Access is managed by the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre.