BioCommons strengthens connections with the Asia-Pacific region

INCOB Logo beneath silhouette of the Brisbane skyline

BioCommons has strengthened connections with the Asia-Pacific region at the 22nd International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCOB) hosted by the Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) in Brisbane. In line with our mission to uplift life sciences digital research, BioCommons training capabilities and services were on show at the conference. 

BioCommons provided virtual machines to support the Tyagi Lab at RMIT University and COMBINE to deliver an ‘Introduction to Machine Learning for Bioinformatics’ workshop on predictive modelling for genomics data for conference attendees. Attended by 25 people, this workshop is amplifying machine learning skills in the region and beyond. Find out more about how we enable events related to bioinformatics that benefit a national audience.

Dr Melissa Burke, BioCommons bioinformatics training specialist, attended a special session on bioinformatics education to hear how organisations and individuals are navigating the evolving landscape of bioinformatics education in the 21st century. 

Dr Gareth Price, Project Lead of the Galaxy Australia service, presented a talk on ‘Making bioinformatics more user-friendly with custom interfaces’ and the Galaxy Australia team developed new training materials to support wrapping of tools for Galaxy.

In 2024, bioinformatics societies of the Asia-Pacific region will unite at the first Asia and Pacific Bioinformatics Joint Conference in Okinawa, Japan around the theme of ‘Creating bioinformatics synergy across the Asia Pacific region.’ Find out more about the conference.

Melissa Burke