Are you ready for AI?

There’s never been a better time to get hands on with machine learning and AI, with two upcoming BioCommons events on this topic. 

On 8 May, Dr Michael Kuiper from the CSIRO presents a webinar on how AI tools can be used to accelerate research. Michael will explore how AI is reshaping scientific exploration and innovation, and how it can accelerate research processes, from data analysis and code writing to hypothesis development

Then on 11 June, Dr Ben Goudey from The Florey leads a hands-on workshop on Machine Learning in the Life Sciences. Using R-based machine learning workflows, this workshop demonstrates what machine learning is, its advantages and disadvantages and the types of scenarios where it may be the right tool for the job.

Nationally, there are many more opportunities to learn about and shape the future of machine learning and AI for digital research applications:

  • The ML4AU Community of Practice, co-facilitated by ARDC and Monash Data Science and AI Platform, enables collaborative initiatives and provides training on emerging needs for ML capabilities and expertise in research

Melissa Burke2024, Training